Complete JDBC Programming, Covers all the advanced topic according to industrial point of view with crystal clear explanation.
1. Introduction to advance java part-1
- JDBC Agenda
- What is adv java ? and what is the need of learning adv-java?
- How many types of application are in java?
- How many editions are available in java?
- Version of JDBC
2. Introduction to adv java part-2
- Understand JDBC in simple way
- Understand role of JDBC Components
3. Storage area , Query Processing System
- What is storage area?How many types of storage area?
- What is File system and disadvantage
- why we use database ? limitation is comparison with data warehouses?
- Query Processing System ?
step 1: Query tokenization
step 2: Query processing
step 3: Query optimization
step 4: Query Execution
4. Introduction to JDBC , Evolution of JDBC , JDBC architecture
- What is JDBC ? JDBC features ?
- Evolution of JDBC ? how how it will come?
- Difference b/w JDBC and ODBC
- JDBC Architecture and how it will provide to us ? role of DriverManager
5. JDBC API , Types of Driver
- How many packages is JDBC API ?
- Difference b/w Driver interface , Driver class , Driver software
- Types-1 Driver ? advantages ? Disadvantages ?
- Types-2 Driver ? advantages ? Disadvantages ?
- Types-3 Driver ? advantages ? Disadvantages ?
- Types-4 Driver ? advantages ? Disadvantages ?
- Summary of all the Driver.
- comparison table of all JDBC Driver
6. Standard Steps to develop JDBC application , Programs , Types of SQL Query
- Establish the connectoin b/w java application and database
- Create Statement Object
- Send and execute SQL query
- Close the connection
- Types of SQL Query
- executeQuery()
- executeUpdate()
- execute()
- App1—> Connection program
- App2—> create table by using static query
- App3—> create table by taking table name as user input (dynamic query)
- App4—> insert records by using static query
- App5—> insert records by taking input user input (dynamic query)
- App6—> JDBC Applicaiton to Update records by new way of registering driver
- App7—> JDBC Application to delete records by using static query
- App8—> JDBC Applicaiton to delete records by taking input user input (dynamic query)
- App9—> JDBC Applicaiton to select all rows from the table to print all data
- App10—> JDBC Applicaiton to select all rows from the table based on Sorting orders
- App11—> JDBC Applicaiton to select particular coloum from table to print data
- App12—–>JDBC Applicaiton to select range of records based on address(take address as user input)
- App13—> JDBC Applicaiton to to select range of records based on salary(take salary as user input)
- App14—> JDBC Applicaiton for try with resources
- App15—> JDBC Applicaiton to fetch all the data
7. Working with MetaData
- 1. MetaData Introduction
- 2. How many types of MetaData are there ? DatabaseMetaData introduction
- App16—-> JDBC Application to work with DatabaseMeta data and print all Database detials
- 3. ResultSetMeta Data introduction
- App17—-> JDBC Application which shows that how to know the coloum name and type of unknown database by using ResultSetMetaData rmd = rs.getMetaData;
- App18—-> JDBC Application that take table name as a dynamic input and print table coloum and table data of that particular table which was entered by user
- App19—->Java application that take dynamic SQL Query it may be non-select or select SQl Query
- >>> if it is select SQL Query then it return true so simply print records of the table
- >>> if it is non-select SQL Query then it return false so we have to update the Database….
- App20—-> Java Application that takes table name as a dynamic input and then fetch the data and tranfered to the desired location in the form of html file
- App21—-> Employee app
9. Working with ResultSet types
- 1. Understand previous working of ResultSet and Understand Types of ResultSet
- 2. How to get required ResultSet object
- App22—>JDBC Application to check whether database support particular types of ResultSet or not
- 3. List of allowed methods on (Forward only ResultSet) Non-Scrollable ResultSet
- |-
- |- rs.getXxx()
- |- rs.getRow()
- 4. List of allowed methods on Scrollable ResultSets
- |- rs.previous()
- |- rs.beforeFirst()
- |- rs.afterLast()
- |- rs.first()
- |- rs.last()
- |- rs.absolute(int record_position)
- |- rs.relative (int no_of_Records)
- |- refreshRow()
- |- rs.setFetchSize(int no_of_Records)
- |- rs.isFirst()
- App23—> use of next() and previous() to fetch data in both backward and forward direction
- App24—> JDBC Application to navigate records using SCROLLABLE_RESULTSET
- App25—> without using insert sql query insert record into database using SCROLLBLE_RESULTSET
- App26—> without using update sql query update record into database using SCROLLBLE_RESULTSET
- App27—> without using delete sql query delete record into database using SCROLLBLE_RESULTSET
10. Working with properties file and ConnectionFactory
- 1. Properties intro
- 2. App28 fetch the records by using properties file
- 3. Connection factory intro
- App29—> Jdbc Application to fetch the data
- App29 (a) —-> Jdbc Application to update the data
11. Batch Updations and PreparedStatement
- 1. Need of batch updations ? Intro to batch updations ? Advantage of batch updations ? Disadvantage of batch updations ? how we can implement batch updations how many methods are there ? UNDERSTAND BY IMAGE
- App30—-> Jdbc Application to demonstrate the batch updations
- 2. Need of PreparedStatement
- give ex.1 and ex.2
- 3. Advantage / Disadvantage of PreparedStatement
- 4. Difference b/w Statement and PreparedStatement
- App31—> Jdbc Application to insert records using PreparedStatement
- App32—> Jdbc Application to update records using PreparedStatement
- App33—> Jdbc Application to delete records using PreparedStatement
- App34—> Jdbc Application to fetch records using PreparedStatement
- App35—> Jdbc Application to perform batch updations using PreparedStatement
12. BLOB and CLOB
- 1. Intro to BLOB datatype and understanding architecture to insert BLOB data in Database
- App36—> Jdbc Application to insert BLOB data into Database
- 2. Intro to BLOB datatype and understanding architecture to insert BLOB data in Database
- App37—> Jdbc Application to retrieve BLOB data into Database
- App38—> Jdbc Application to insert CLOB data into Database
- App39—> Jdbc Application to retireve CLOB data from Database
13. Connection Pooling
- 1. Connection Pooling Intro
- App40—> JDBC Application to demonstrate Connection Pooling Mechanism by using Default DataSource Object[Approach -1]
- App41—> JDBC Application to demonstrate Connection Pooling Mechanism by using DataSource Object Provided By Database software Vendor [Approach -2]
- App42—> JDBC Application to demonstrate Connection Pooling Mechanism by Third party provided Connection Pooling Mechanism[DBCP Connection Pooling]
14. CallableStatement
- 1. Callable Statement intro
- 2. Difference b/w Statement , PreparedStatement and CallableStatement ?
- 3. What is the difference b/w stored procedures and stored function ?
- 4. Syntax of Stored Procedures
- 5. Syntax of Stored function
- App43—> Demonstrate use of Store Procedures
- App44—> Demonstrate use of Store Functions
- App45—> Demostrate use of SYS_REFCURSOR type variable
- App46—> use of SYS_REFCURSOR type variable in FUNCTION
15. Transaction Management and Savepoint
- 1. Transaction Management intro Atomicity and Consistency principle
- 2. Transaction Management Isolation and Durablity principle
- 3. How to achieve atomicity in JDBC
- App47—-> Transaction Management achieve atomicity using commit() and rollback()
- App48—–Savepoint and JDBC Application to demostrate use of Savepoint
16. RowSets
- 1. Introduction to RowSets ? Types of Rowsets
- Difference b/w ResultSet and RowSet
- App49—>To create different RowSet objects
- 2. Introduction to JDBCRowset
- App50—> To retrieve records from JDBCRowset
- App51—> To insert records using JDBCRowset
- App52—> To update records using JDBCRowset
- App53—> To delete records using JDBCRowset
- 3. Introduction to CachedRowset
- App54—> To demonstrate Disconnected CachedRowset
- App55—> To retrieve records using CachedRowset
- App56—> To insert records using CachedRowset
- App57—> To update records using CachedRowset
- 4. Introduction to WebRowset
- App58—> To retrieve records using WebRowset
- App59—> To insert records using WebRowset
- App60—> To delete records using WebRowset
- 5. Introduction to JoinRowset
- App61—> To retrieve records using JoinRowset
- 6. Introduction to FilteredRowset
- App62—> To retrieve records using JoinRowset
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