Nail your job interview in Spanish and get the job, 11 Videos course to pass any job interview in Spanish.
How to properly understand and answer 300 job interview questions in Spanish so that the interview officer will approve your job application. Based on actual experience Juan Garcíacal , Spanish teacher shares his practical job interview structures with you to help you pass any job interview in Spanish .
You will learn to easily understand and answer any kind of job interview questions in Spanish with the use of multiple job interview vocabulary structures with precise pronunciation in international Spanish.
Get now easily ready for any job interview with three different levels of Spanish ; basic, intermediate and advanced (no previous knowledge of Spanish needed ). Choose your level of Spanish and just learn the interview vocabulary structures , questions and answers for that level and get the job !
Plus + :
BONUS ONE : ” How to speak Spanish at the office ”
BONUS TWO : ” How to serve the customers in Spanish ” (for offices , stores , restaurants, hotels, receptions, etc. )
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