Basic Roblox Lua Programming

Basic Roblox Lua Programming, Beginners Guide to Roblox Programming.

Do your kids play Roblox? Did you know that you can learn this easy language in a few lectures and create a game that could give you cash on the side? You can develop your own Roblox game too!

Roblox Lua is the language of an online game known as Roblox. By the end of this course the learner should be familiar with Roblox basics, complete basic scripts, and have knowledge on how to create a game for sale with Roblox. Learn how to code with Lua, have fun with it and make some extra cash on the side. This is a hands on doing with me interactive course. You and I together will go through the menus and practice coding: how to do a leaderboard, teleporter, change hat, create a part that kills, create a giver, clone, etc..

Roblox Lua also is helpful for those that want to learn programming basics, video game design, and have some similarity with Python and Javascript. Super Easy..sign up for this course today!

The post Basic Roblox Lua Programming appeared first on Online Classes.

Basic Roblox Lua Programming Basic Roblox Lua Programming Reviewed by gilian white on March 17, 2019 Rating: 5

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