Linux Foundation (LFCS and LFCE) combined test prep, Basic to intermediate Linux system administration.
With a combination of lectures, hands-on exercises, quizzes and demos the students will get a very good grip of the Linux operating system and will be confident enough to take the test by the end of the course. The LFCS and LFCE certification exams are performance based and hence need a lot of practice, not memorization or brain dumps. You will be required to perform tasks on a live system and your score will be based on the correctness of the tasks performed. It is a 2 hour test for each LFCS and LFCE and requires a 74% passing score.
Both LFCS & LFCE are very high in-demand certifications that are OS agnostic. Unlike some other certifications out there, you won’t be required to stick to only one operating system. You will be given a choice to either pick up CentOS or Ubuntu as the operating system of your choice. Both of these operating systems are available for free and I will show you how to download and install them in a virtual environment in the first section of the course.
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