Spline Modeling Fundamentals in CINEMA 4D, Everything you need to know about spline modeling in CINEMA 4D.
This course teaches you the spline modeling techniques using the spline tools and functions available in CINEMA 4D. This course first introduces you to the splines primitives and then shows you the functioning of spline creation tools such as the Sketch, Spline Smooth, Spline Arch, and Pen tools. Then, course jumps right into teaching you how to create 3D objects using splines, extrusion, sweeping, and lathing, and how to work with the other spline functions/tools/commands available in Mesh menu.
This course includes stand alone hands-on exercises to hone your skills. Also, there are practical challenges included that will help you to assess your knowledge gained in the course.
By the end of this course, you will understand the tools and techniques available to you for creating 3D models using splines. The working files are available so that you can follow along with me throughout the lessons.
I’ll be regularly adding more content to this course so keep coming back.
Note: If you want to follow along, you should have CINEMA 4D Studio R19 installed on your system. However, this course is also compatible with R18 version of CINEMA 4D.
The key features of this course are as follows:
- Splines and splines creation tools are explained.
- Splines Command and functions explained.
- Generator objects explained.
- Includes stand alone hands-on exercises.and practical challenges.
- Tech support direct from the author.
- CINEMA 4D files, images, and other resources are available.
- Access to each tutorial’s initial and final states along with the resources used in the tutorial.
So why wait?
Enroll in the course and start creating 3D models using spines with CINEMA 4D.
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